Field and river

20th International Conference of Ethiopian Studies (ICES20)
Mekelle University, Ethiopia

"Regional and Global Ethiopia - Interconnections and Identities"
1-5 October, 2018

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SENAIT Abrha Teamr, IPHC, Mekelle University, Ethiopia
MOGES Gebreegziabher Woldu, IPHC, Mekelle University, Ethiopia

All disabled persons, women and men, share similar experiences of isolation, marginalization, and discrimination. Both disabled men and women are obliged to face daily battles against socially and culturally imposed restrictions on their activities. However, in addition to their disability women with disability suffer from gender based assumptions and expectations. This double discrimination means that disabled women’s experiences are profoundly different from those of disabled men. Though different studies have been conducted in Ethiopia relating with disabilities, studies on the double discrimination of women with disability are less visible. This paper examines the socio-economic impact of double discrimination on women with disabilities livelihoods in Adigrat town.The main objective of this study is to asses the socio-economic impact of double discrimination on women with disabilities livelihoods in Adigrat tow. Both primary and secondary data are used in this study. Primary data were collected using different data collection methods,such as household schedules,interviews,observation and case study method from the field. While secondary data were collected from different published and unpublished books articles, journals, magazines, thesis and reports. Snowball purposive sampling technique is used to select sample respondents for the study. The study found that women with disabilities participate in different activities to cope up with their challenges. As a result, around half of the respondents are engaged in different self- help activities. On one hand there are also a number of WWDs who are not employed and still involving in begging. On the other hand, this research also found out WWDs face different challenges in different sectors. Lack of awareness of employer organizations, lack of trainings, inaccessibility of vacancies for disabilities, complexity of credit services, lack of place to operate businesses, problem of market linkages are some of the challenges they face in the economic sector. Difficulty to form a family, exclusion and discrimination; violence and sexual abuses; and exploitation are social challenges WWDs face. Based on the findings, the research recommended that efforts should be made to improve awareness of the community as well as the stakeholders, different skill based trainings should be arranged for Women with disabilities and different facilities should be inclusive.